Your Child, A Future Inventor
Making Future Inventors
Fun & Innovative
STEAM Classes

We Help Kids Learn Coding, Electronics Design, Robotics, Maths, and Science

Microinventor is preparing African Kids to become the next generation of Science & Technology Leaders

Your Child Can Build Electronics

Microinventor Kits ignite the spirit of invention in children by getting them building circuits, programming, designing and implementing cool things. These kits plus our free mentoring sessions will help your child to become a practical learner and creative maker of technology.


Your Child Can Learn from the Best Coding, Electronics Design, Robotics, Maths, and Science Instructors

Microinventor Academy provides awesome and personalised learning experience for every child. We have a detailed educational curriculum intended for engaging learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths(STEM). Education is fun and memorable with project-based learning!

Microinventor For Schools

Microinventor is democratising Digital Technology education in Nigeria and helping every child to experiment with Coding, Electronics Design and Robotics.

We hope to realise the promise of 21st century learning for all schoolchildren.