Personalised Electronics, Coding, Robotics, Maths, and Science Education for Kids/Teens

Awesome Pathway for Your Child to Become A Future Tech Inventor
Online & Physical Classes(Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels)

Electronics Circuits


Website Design

Coding with Scratch

Python Programming




Games & Apps



Web Programming


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Frequently Asked Questions?

Should I just buy your kits or register for classes?

Kits are available for only electronics and robotics. There are free videos available to support our kits and some kids are just fine with them. However, our academy programmes on electronics and robotics are deeper contents built to grow with students as they progress from one stage to another.

You may choose to just buy the kits and allow your child explore further independently. Enrolling your child into the academy is an added advantage as your child gets tutored directly by a professional.

What is the nature of your classes/courses?

All classes are hands-on and project-based. Each programme is available in Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels. Each level runs for 8 sessions(or more depending on the capacity of your child).

All programmes are available online and on-site.

How much is it?

Each course runs for 8 sessions and attracts a token of N60,000 only. All programmes are available both online and on-site.

Why Choose Microinventor?

Our parent company is an end-to-end technology company servicing clients across various industries, thus, our instructors are primarily tech professionals who are passionate about teaching kids. We have over 20years industry experience.

Our instructors are the most personable, fun, and responsible individuals you ever met. It’s a Promise!