For Schools

We’re opening up the classrooms to the emerging world of physical computing and driving initiatives to help close the STEM skills gap in Nigeria. Our offerings are successful educational technology resources in use in the USA & UK. We are inspired by the successes recorded in these countries and adapting these platforms to help make Nigerian schoolchildren become future-ready.

Microinventor Initiatives You Could Take Advantage Of:

  1. Hour of Invention: Three hours dedicated to getting students excited about making technology.
  2. Tech Careers 101: Orientation sessions on digital technology careers.
  3. Microinventor 360: An international standard STEM curriculum designed for schools to grow with students – enabling a progression of content, activities, and learning objectives that become more advanced over time. It supports the alignment of STEM across class levels and helps ensure students build a strong foundation in Computational thinking, Electronics and Robotics..
  4. Microinventor Kits: A set of Do-It-Yourself kits that make it easy for anyone to get started with building electronics and learning robotics.

We are preparing kids for the future of work and will be happy to have a discussion with you on how we can collaborate.